Understanding Contracts
Know the lingo when it comes to kilowatt-per-hour rates and minimum contract term lengths.
Contract Renewal Notice
You will receive two renewal notices before your contract expires - one 45-60 days prior and the other 30 days prior. The second notice, known as the option notice, includes:
- Specific changes to the terms being proposed.
- Information on new prices.
- An explanation of the customer’s options and how to take action.
- The date by which action must be taken by the customer.
- The telephone numbers and website addresses for the Commission and the Office of Consumer Advocate (OCA).
Make sure you read these notices, as they will assist you in making the decision to stay with your current supplier or shop for another supplier.
IMPORTANT: If you choose to take no action with your renewal and options notices, your rate may change. For example, a fixed rate may change to a monthly variable rate. If you have a variable rate, once the term expires, you may be moved to a different variable rate that could be higher.