Your Rights & Protections
Know your rights as a utility customer so you can put them to work for you.
Choose your electric utility to see a sample bill with the charges explained.
In Pennsylvania, you have the power to switch your electric supplier - the company that generates your electricity. Generation supply costs make up most of an average electric bill. The other part of your bill, the distribution service, remains with your local electric utility.
Understanding the energy charges on your monthly electric bill is an essential step in controlling your budget. The individual charges that make up your electric service are listed separately on your electric bill. Learn more about how each fee is calculated and how it can affect your bill.
Charges for the use of local wires, transformers, substations, and other equipment used to deliver electricity to end-use consumers from the high voltage transmission lines.
Remains regulated by the PUC.
A monthly basic distribution charge to cover costs for billing, meter reading, equipment, maintenance, and advanced metering when in use.
Remains regulated by the PUC.
A charge, or a credit, or electric rates to reflect changes in various state taxes included in your bill. The surcharge may vary by bill component.
Remains regulated by the PUC.
Charges for moving high voltage electricity from a generation facility to the distribution lines of an electric distribution company. If using a competitive supplier, Transmission is rolled into generation.
Based on federally regulated charges.
Charges for the production of electricity. Generation supply costs make up most of an average electric bill and are dependent on your choice of supplier.
From budget billing to hardship funds, there are a number of programs available in Pennsylvania to help with your electric costs. Contact your local electric distribution company about qualifying for these programs.
Know your rights as a utility customer so you can put them to work for you.
Know the lingo when it comes to kilowatt-per-hour rates and minimum contract term lengths.